I am a recovering ass.
Of course, at times I still am one, but it’s less often. I now recognize my “assness” more quickly, recalibrate, and take action to make amends for my poor behavior. It’s important to acknowledge the truth of our mistakes without turning towards self-contempt, shame, or beating ourselves up for the harm we have caused to those we love. Yet, we must take full responsibility for our poor behavior and fully own what we have done and learn to live differently, becoming men who bring life rather than further heartache.
This book is just as much for me as it is for you. I am in the process of learning to become a good and safe man and writing out these truths in this book has helped me immensely. I hope it will help you on your journey to becoming the man you most desire to be.
I hope for this book to serve as the guide I wish I’d had, providing comfort and clarity to those who find themselves in a similar struggle for sexual health. I have written these essays not only for men but also for women who want to understand what healthy sexuality can look like in a partner. May this book be life-giving to your sexual healing. May courage accompany you as you engage with these essays of spirituality, sexuality, & restoration.
This book provides an avenue for dialogue with the over 18 million children who are affected by addiction in America. It follows a simple metaphor of addiction as the main character, Sam, is swept away in a bubble. At first he is curious and excited, but he slowly becomes bored and isolated, encounters a devastating storm, and, finally, tries to find his way back home to his family. His journey symbolizes the struggle of addiction in a way children can understand.