What a Weekend Intensive Includes
- One 15 minute pre-weekend screening phone call with each partner (if no prior work has been done with Andrew or Christy has been done.)
- 2 or 3 days (13-18 therapy hours) of Intensive Couple’s & Individual Counseling sessions
- A unique Counseling approach is done with both Andrew & Christy
- Crisis email counseling
- Pricing: $2,800 2-day ; $3,200 3-day
(This weekend is only with you and your partner, no other couples will be in attendance. If you are looking for a marriage group, you can look at the Marriage Workshop offering.)
Sample Schedule Outline
Clinical Session is 45 minutes
Friday: (2-day intensive does not include this time)
Couples Session with Christy & Andrew: 3pm-5:15pm
Morning Couples Session with Andrew & Christy- 9:00 am-12:00pm
Afternoon Couples Triple Session with Andrew & Christy- 2:00pm – 4:15pm
Morning Couples Session with Andrew & Christy- 9:00 am-12:00pm
Afternoon Couples Triple Session with Andrew & Christy- 2:00pm – 4:15pm
Schedules can be subject to change pending on what is needed
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