Learning to Write: With Body & Heart

By |2019-01-11T19:53:50+00:00January 11th, 2019|Calling, Healing, Poetry, Writings|

I am often asked about the writing process: how did I become a “real” author? Despite having published several books, at times I still don’t feel like a “real” author, and I don’t know if I ever will. I suspect that my feeling of not being a “real” writer stems [...]

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Fighting Clean: Tips on How to Argue Well

By |2019-01-06T16:18:03+00:00January 6th, 2019|Domestic Violence, Healing, Kindness, Relationships, Violence|

One thing I have always struggled with is learning how to fight clean. In my family of origin, we won arguments by any means necessary: belittling, demeaning, and making the other person feel as small and as insignificant as possible in order to gain the upper hand. If that sounds [...]

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I Repent: A Poem to my Non-Christian friends

By |2018-11-15T17:21:48+00:00November 15th, 2018|Forgiveness, Healing, Kindness, Poetry, Violence|

  Today I am coming out of the closet. No, I am not gay; I am a Christian. Now, be honest with yourself. When you hear me say those words, what comes to your mind?   Take a moment and listen to those inner voices.   Am I immediately anti-gay, [...]

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In the Stillness, God.

By |2018-11-14T18:59:10+00:00November 14th, 2018|Glory, Healing, Poetry|

In stillness you, come. The quiet hits and you tear my pieces to more pieces, you mend my wounds with more wounds.   Oh God of the still. Here I breathe in My constant headache loosens. You become tangible again. Someone, I taste and hold, yes, I smell you. I [...]

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Clarifying Statement on Masturbation & What about Masturbation?

By |2022-01-14T15:15:43+00:00October 27th, 2018|Addiction, Healing, Pornography, Sexuality, Shame|

It has come to my attention that folks in the abuse/trauma recovery community have questioned my stance on masturbation and somehow have labeled me as the “pro-masturbation” guy and thus not correct in my view of “proper” recovery practices.   I have heard of folks not wanting to recommend my men’s [...]

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Pornocracy: How Pornography Has Shaped Church & Democracy

By |2018-10-30T01:17:42+00:00October 19th, 2018|Healing, Masculinity, News, Pornography, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality|

Recent events in the news regarding sexual assault have tapped deep into fears of men who believe they will be held accountable for horrific things they did as teenagers, and women who fear they will be questioned and interrogated about some of the most painful and confusing trauma in their [...]

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The Healthy Relationship Indicator

By |2018-11-06T20:58:07+00:00October 6th, 2018|Healing, Relationships|

©Andrew Bauman 2017 all rights reserved   Above is what I call the healthy relationship indicator. It can be used as a measurement tool for therapists to measure couple’s relational connectivity in a variety of places of intimacy. It can also be used to self rate to see where you [...]

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Honest Misogynist Part 2

By |2019-01-15T20:31:39+00:00August 6th, 2018|Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Violence|

I am pleased to share a guest post today by my copy editor & writer, Rose Gwynn. This entry is in response to my Letter to an Objectified Woman, you will hear from a woman who is stuck in an abusive relationship with her objectifying man and the war within herself [...]

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When Men Rule the World

By |2018-06-25T23:35:16+00:00June 25th, 2018|Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Shame, Violence|

  Women were less than. No one would have said that out loud, but growing up in my white evangelical utopia deep in the South, we all knew it was true: men ruled the world. My presidents: always men, my pastors: always men. Most CEOs, elected officials, and anyone I [...]

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Oh My River

By |2018-06-25T23:37:37+00:00June 20th, 2018|Glory, Healing, Relationships|

Oh my River boy. You surprised us, son. 5 weeks early, narrowly escaping death, you, my son, are fearless. And what a terrifying gift you are. Your mother and I simultaneously wept and held our breath awaiting your first cry. And cry you did! It was loud, a voice of [...]

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Boys Exposed: How Porn Traumatizes

By |2018-01-31T02:13:47+00:00January 8th, 2018|Addiction, Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Violence|

I am pleased to have therapist Matt Morrisey be the first guest blogger on my website. You can follow Matt's work here https://www.mattmorrissey.org/. Matt focuses on the healing sexual & intimacy issues with men and boys and works with the Allender Center.    Boys Exposed: How Porn Traumatizes by Matt Morrisey [...]

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Sex 101: For Parents & Church Leaders

By |2021-04-29T16:13:27+00:00November 1st, 2017|Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality|

 “Our sexuality affects everything we do, and everything affects our sexuality. The same is true of our spirituality -- that which is most deeply meaningful to us. We can deny both. But denying them does not mean they are not both alive in every breath and heartbeat of life.” ― Tina [...]

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Caring for Our Internal Orphan

By |2017-10-29T18:21:12+00:00October 29th, 2017|Anxiety, Death, Forgiveness, Glory, Grief, Healing, Masculinity|

Pictures tell stories, both told and untold. This photo tells thousands. There are years I go without looking into its glory, but it always whispers back for my return. At times it is just too painful to peer into. Though nearly 30 years have passed since it was taken, there [...]

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A Message to Men: Part 1

By |2017-10-25T16:39:16+00:00October 25th, 2017|Healing, Masculinity, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, Violence|

        With another bombshell revelation in the news this month, Harvey Weinstein has used his place of power and influence to use and abuse a countless number of women. The response has been powerful with millions of women sharing their heartbreaking courageous stories on social media with [...]

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Cycle of Calling

By |2019-10-22T18:18:06+00:00September 28th, 2017|Calling, Calling, Healing|

©Andrew Bauman 2017 all rights reserved                  As you are attempting to step into your vocation and meaningful life’s work you must consider the graph above, what I call the “Cycle of Calling”. The first step to knowing what you are meant to [...]

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Goodness is Here: A poem of therapeutic gratitude

By |2017-09-18T19:12:11+00:00September 18th, 2017|Glory, Grief, Healing, Masculinity, Poetry, Shame, Writings|

This past week I spent in Ashland, OR at the Masters Center for Transformation, facilitated by Dr. Robert Masters (http://robertmasters.com/) . It was some of the deepest psychospiritual healing work I have ever done in my life. I laughed, I yelled, I moaned, I sang, I mourned, I grieved, and [...]

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The Pain Beneath the Porn

By |2017-10-09T19:54:10+00:00September 7th, 2017|Addiction, Healing, Pornography, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality|

  Robert Masters writes in his phenomenal book “To Be a Man”, “What we do sexually is a reflection of what we're doing with the rest of our lives”. This statement is profoundly true, and so is its opposite. What we have done with our lives (or what has been [...]

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Pornography & Emotional Enmeshment

By |2017-09-07T20:02:07+00:00August 25th, 2017|Addiction, Healing, Pornography, Relationships, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality|

The pattern I often see when helping others process an unwanted relationship with pornography is a correlation between addiction and the propensity toward emotionally enmeshed relationships. Pornography teaches us to relate with emotional fusion and an inability to differentiate in a healthy way (this is another aspect of PSR). This [...]

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