Unmasking the Pastor: A Journey from Hypocrisy to Healing

By |2024-12-30T15:34:44+00:00December 30th, 2024|Addiction, Church, Domestic Violence, God, Healing, Loss, Marriage, Masculinity, MensWork, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame|

Greg was a famous pastor, young and charismatic, a popular Christian author, and an influencer in my evangelical circles. Though I didn’t know him personally, I had heard his name often and appreciated his passionate work from afar. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw his name in our [...]

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A Framework of Healing Masculinity

By |2024-12-18T14:06:03+00:00December 18th, 2024|Domestic Violence, Fatherlessness, Healing, Masculinity, MensWork, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Self-Contempt, Violence|

In the early 80s, Therapist Pia Mellody created a helpful model to help understand trauma and treat the issues that came from it. She called this model the “Developmental Model of Immaturity.” Fast forward another decade or so, therapist and author Terry Real developed Relational Life Therapy (RLT), built on [...]

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Categories of Vowed Masculinity 

By |2024-11-05T14:39:03+00:00November 5th, 2024|Fatherlessness, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography|

Society, church, and family have all taught us messages of what masculinity is supposed to be (blog here) and who we are to become. Out of these messages, we make certain vows and choose which type of masculinity to embody. Below are four common categories of masculinity that you may [...]

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Bouncing Your Eyes & Avoiding Lust

By |2024-11-03T17:00:18+00:00November 3rd, 2024|Addiction, Domestic Violence, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, Violence|

Sheila Gregoire recently posted this question on her social media,  “ A guy is getting out of the Every Man's Battle mentality and truly trying to put porn & lust behind him. He's doing the work. He's seeing a counselor.The problem is that he still battles with lustful thoughts when [...]

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The 5 Senses of Healthy Sexuality

By |2024-11-01T12:34:52+00:00November 1st, 2024|Healing, Marriage, Masculinity, Pornography, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality|

The five senses are how humans perceive and interact with the world. Through pornography use, other unhealthy sexual practices, and the socialization of masculinity, we have become disembodied creatures. Returning to what makes us most alive (our five senses) will be the path toward liberation, wholeness, and integrity.  Porn has [...]

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A Centering Prayer for a Man Recovering from Abusive Behaviors

By |2024-10-21T13:16:32+00:00October 21st, 2024|Domestic Violence, God, Healing, Kindness, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Sexism, Violence|

If you are a man struggling to remain humble as you and your spouse heal from your destructive behaviors, here is a centering prayer to help you recover and stay rooted in your true self. Loving God, I come before You broken, Acknowledging the pain I have caused, The abuse [...]

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Inane Suffering VS. Redemptive Suffering

By |2024-09-03T02:51:03+00:00September 3rd, 2024|Addiction, Death, Domestic Violence, Glory, Grief, Healing, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Shame|

  Inviting people into their suffering is part of my job description. Yet folks don’t come to see me unless they are already in a great deal of pain. Many times, their suffering is because of what someone did to them without their consent, and other times, their misery is [...]

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Living in Truth: Facing Yourself & Changing Your Life

By |2024-08-21T12:27:31+00:00August 21st, 2024|Addiction, Glory, Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Sexual Abuse|

It’s not what you say is what you believe, it’s how you live that is most true of you.  I often counsel women by saying, “We no longer believe his words, but only his life.” So many men will say they “dabble” in porn? Sorry, there is no such thing [...]

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Healing But Not Feeling: Men’s Commitment to Faux-Transformation

By |2024-06-12T02:17:22+00:00June 11th, 2024|Death, Glory, Grief, Healing, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Self-Contempt, Sexism, Shame|

  Let me be candid with you, many men who say they're on this journey of transformation and change are, well, frankly, full of ofσκύβαλα aka skubala (this is the Greek word for shit, dung, fecal matter, decayed waste made famous by the Apostle Paul which he used in his [...]

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Exploring Men’s Hatred of Women

By |2024-05-16T03:29:35+00:00May 16th, 2024|Domestic Violence, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Sexism, Violence, women|

“It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.”  - Virginia Woolf If you have been using pornography and fantasy for any length of time, it has seeped into your brain (Pornographic Mindset) and into your very being (Pornographic Style of Relating). Since you have used porn [...]

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Is it Trauma, or is it Choice? Navigating My Partner’s Deceptive Sexual Recovery

By |2024-04-20T13:26:50+00:00April 20th, 2024|Domestic Violence, Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Violence, women|

There is an ongoing debate within the subculture of sexual addiction recovery and betrayal trauma circles that I would like to address. Is my husband’s betrayal of me a choice, or is it because of his unaddressed wounds and trauma? Indeed, there are lines drawn in the sand here; sides [...]

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Our Second Childhood

By |2023-02-20T21:40:17+00:00February 20th, 2023|Domestic Violence, Fatherlessness, Healing, Kindness, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships|

A kind of second childhood falls on so many men. —John Steinbeck   This quote from Steinbeck makes so much sense to me. As I walk alongside men in recovery from deceptive sexuality and abuse this second childhood is very real. Many grown men from their 20s through 80s walk [...]

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Marriage, No Matter What!? An Ideology of Idolatry

By |2023-01-13T19:35:12+00:00January 13th, 2023|Addiction, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence, God, Healing, Kindness, Loss, Marriage, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, women|

One way to retraumatize and groom a victim of abuse is the promotion of the “marriage, no matter what” ideology which is common for women coming out of Christian abuse-affirming churches. The damaging “marriage, no matter what” ideology is a salvation fantasy and a form of idolatry that must be [...]

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Victory From Porn: It’s Not What You Think

By |2022-12-17T16:17:35+00:00December 17th, 2022|Addiction, Church, Marriage, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexuality, Shame|

I don’t like that word—victory. It seems to communicate such finality, a destination rather than the bloody journey it takes to relearn how to relate non-pornographicly to the world. I have been sober for nearly 15 years now and still don’t feel victorious, much as I do, a survivor. I [...]

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What If My Penis Could Talk?

By |2024-07-24T16:26:41+00:00November 18th, 2022|Glory, Healing, Masculinity, patriarchy, Poetry, Pornography, Self-Contempt, Sexuality, Shame|

During my 13-year addiction to pornography and 20-year addiction to the objectification of women, I am wondering what my penis would have said if it had a voice? Strange, as it may sound, each of our body parts has a story to tell. Will you listen? Will you listen to [...]

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The Minimization of Pornography

By |2022-11-11T00:24:57+00:00November 10th, 2022|Domestic Violence, Healing, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, Uncategorized, Violence, women|

“I have been in sin and need prayer” or “I have a problem with lust” are common confessions within the church context. Those with a bit more courage will at least admit that they are struggling with pornography or wandering thoughts about females. But even that has become so normative [...]

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Practicing Full Consent

By |2022-10-30T02:49:53+00:00October 30th, 2022|Addiction, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence, Forgiveness, Healing, Marriage, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Violence, women|

I remember when I was living fully into my compulsive sexual behaviors of pornography, fantasy, and masturbation, my brain always seeking its next high. Scanning rooms for cleavage, legs, butts, anything I could take and devour. Literally, not thinking about anyone else but me and my pleasure. The theme of [...]

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I Caught my Teen Son Using Porn, What Do I Do?

By |2022-10-07T15:35:54+00:00October 7th, 2022|Addiction, Fatherlessness, Healing, Masculinity, Pornography, Reader's Ask, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, women|

A common question I get asked weekly is, “What do I do—I caught my teenage son looking at porn?” I intend to write the book, The Sexually Healthy Teen, but until then, let’s talk about some helpful categories to engage your teen after porn exposure.  First, make sure your own [...]

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No, Sorry, You’re Not a Virgin: Untangling Porn & Purity 

By |2022-05-13T13:00:24+00:00May 13th, 2022|Addiction, Domestic Violence, God, Grief, Healing, Kindness, Masculinity, patriarchy, Pornography, Relationships, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, women|

The purity movement of the 90s created some odd sexual behaviors that we are still seeing play out 30 years later as those adolescents have become married adults attempting to have healthy sexual relationships. One of those sexual outcomes is that men (and many women) are proud that they “waited” [...]

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Fantasy Roots: Exploring Our Patterns of Escape

By |2021-09-06T18:48:56+00:00September 6th, 2021|Addiction, Domestic Violence, Healing, Kindness, Masculinity, Pornography, Sexism, Sexual Abuse, Sexuality, Shame, women|

Fantasy is an effective tool of escape. It soothes wounds and calms the anxious heart. Yet, this commitment to escapism leads to a cowardice in facing our most wounded places and takes a serious toll on how we live and relate. Engagement with fantasy teaches us that relief is more [...]

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