If you are a man struggling to remain humble as you and your spouse heal from your destructive behaviors, here is a centering prayer to help you recover and stay rooted in your true self.

Loving God,
I come before You broken,
Acknowledging the pain I have caused,
The abuse I have perpetrated against those I say I love.

I surrender my aggression, my insecurities, my fear,
Into Your safe and secure hands.
Mature me, O God, from the inside out,
Replace my toxic thinking, entitlement, and arrogance.

Teach me to love with gentleness and kindness,
Starting with myself, my unhealed, young, and wounded parts.
Help me listen to my partner with humility and compassion,
Knowing that her “exposure” of me is actually quite good for me,

and her truth-telling can help my healing journey.

Help me understand my hatred and longing for the feminine,
Help me learn to honor and not devour women.
Help me live into my wise adult self and make peace with my shadow.

Where I lied, let there be truth.
Where I controlled, let there be liberation.
Where I was reactive and defensive,
Let me discover the “why” of my behavior and change my actions for the future.

May Your humility be my guide,
And Your peace dwell deep within me.
In Your centeredness, may I find healing.
In Your love, may I find the strength to become a courageous man of integrity.

Let it be.